Thursday, March 20, 2008 

Should You Invest in a HYIP?: Answers To 4 Of The Most Commonly Asked Questions

The occurrence of HYIPs is somewhat new, but have gained popularity at a rapid rate. They have become one of the biggest opportunities to make a lot of money fast, but also one of the internet's biggest scams in recent years. They have made a lot of people rich, but have also made a lot of people lose their money. Should you get in on this phenomenon? This article is a reference to aid you in the decision.

What is a HYIP?: HYIP stands for High Yield Investment Program. HYIPs are investment programs normally offered on the internet. They typically accept investments of $100 or less while promising high returns. Interest rates of up to 100% a month is not uncommon. In general the interest rates are ranging anywhere between 5 250% a month. Most only accept payments through e-currency programs such as e-gold because this allows them to accept numerous donations from anywhere in the world.

Where does the money come from?: There are hundreds of different investment strategies used by HYIPs. Some invest in stocks, others in property. There are even HYIPs investing in other HYIPs. Scam HYIPs are Ponzi schemes, in which new investors provide the money to pay a profit to existing investors, which they could then withdraw leaving nothing to pay the new investor. This approach allows the scam to continue as long as new investors are found and/or old investors leave their money in the scheme.

Is it legal?: Some might consider investing in a HYIP gambling. Gambling online is of questionable legal status in the U.S. and other countries, however, the odds of winning cannot be determined, as one cannot know whether one is playing early enough to win money. Thus, it is unlike other forms of gambling, where a player has an equal chance of winning no matter when a ticket is bought, or where the odds of the game are known. In addition, the promise to pay out a percentage of deposits is not a legally binding contract or regulated by a government agency.

Is it worth the risk?: This is a tough question. It really depends. These programs are extremely high risk. There are more scams out there than serious long term programs. Over the years large amounts of people have lost their money as a result of being involved in High Yield Investment Programs. However, if you are aware of the risks, really research the program, and never invest more money than you are willing to lose the payoff could be huge.

Copyright 2006 Timothy Rohrer

Timothy Rohrer is an established author and home business owner. To learn more about a profitable home business, visit


Enjoy Sledding

Just imagine racing down a snow-covered hill, cold wind blowing in your face, your warm, wool scarf fluttering behind you. You are bouncing up and down, trying to keep yourself on course, but occasionally drifting off to the side. You feel like flying. Sledding is one of the best forms of recreation for a snowy day.

Sledding has been around for hundreds of years and is one of the oldest winter sports. Descriptions of sledding can be found dating back to the 1500s. But it was not until 1885 that the first official sledding race, the Grand National, was held in Switzerland.

Sleds come in all sizes and shapes and are made from a variety of materials, including metal, plastic, wood, and even rubber. A straight running sled is the most basic kind of modern-day sled. Most are made of plastic and are fast and easy to steer. Some even come with their own brakes and steering wheels. The most recognized kind of sled is a steel runner sled. These are the wood and metal sleds that you usually see in pictures and have been around for a long period of time.

Another type of sled is round, and its name sounds like it could be found in outer space. It's called a saucer sled. Saucer sleds let you spin and turn. But you better be careful. Since they do not let you steer, you might just be going backwards, sideways, or off the path altogether before you realize it. Also, snow tubes are round. They are filled with air and can also be used for floating in a pool or lake. Snow tubes let you bounce as you go over bumps, but they do not give you much control. When filling these kinds of sleds with air, remember not to fill them too full. If you do, there is the risk of them bursting in front of your eyes!

Remember that not all sheds can be bought in stores. A flattened cardboard box or garbage can lid can work just as well. Take your kids, your friends or just yourself and sled away when you have a chance. The feeling of being back to nature can be better conceptualized when experienced, so do not waste time or procrastinate. Sledding is one of the best exercises you body and mind can enjoy. The best part of sledding is that you can watch your friends and family smiling at your or their snow adventures!

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles for - In addition, Jonathon also writes articles for and